1. SSH client on MacOS and Windows.
    • MacOS: just open the Terminal app.
    • Windows: download and install Git for Windows aka Git Bash. Accept default settings during the installation process. This gives you a bash shell within Windows, which is also equipped with Git commands.
  2. Connect to the teaching server. On MacOS Terminal or Windows Git Bash:
    ssh username@server.ucla-biostat-203b.com If you cannot connect, you may not have an account. Ask TA or instructor for help.

  3. Change password on teaching server passwd

  4. On teaching server, you can obtain a copy of the course material using git:
    git clone https://github.com/ucla-biostat203b-2020winter/ucla-biostat203b-2020winter.github.io.git To reproduce commands in the Linux lecture, make sure you are in the correct folder cd ~/ucla-biostat203b-2020winter.github.io/slides/02-linux

  5. Check whether you already have SSH keys at default location. On Linux/MacOS terminal or Windows Git Bash: ls -al ~/.ssh

  6. If no SSH keys yet, generate a pair of SSH RSA keys
    • Method 1: generate keys on MacOS Terminal or Windows Git Bash. Follow instructions in lecture notes.
    • Method 2: Use RStudio to generate keys. Tools -> Global Options… -> Git/SVN. Using either method, make sure keys are in the default location ~/.ssh/
  7. Brendon: WSL for Windows.

  8. Register an account on GitHub Student Developer Pack, using ucla.edu email. Send GitHub handle to Juhyun Kim.

  9. Set up seemless SSH connection between (1) laptop, (2) teaching server, and (3) GitHub.

  10. Intitialize a project from GitHub within RStudio.