
  • Cloud computing using GCP (cont’d).

  • HW3.


  • HW2 graded and pull requests are sent.

  • New teaching server:
    1. Log in use your default password 203b. Change password immediately after your first login using Linux command passwd.
    2. Set up SSH keys on the new teaching server. Essentially you just need to copy the files authorized_keys, id_rsa, and on previous teaching server into your ~/.ssh folder on new teaching server. Make sure the file permissions are exactly same as before.
    3. Try log into the RStudio server at <>. Create new projects using Git. Make sure to use Git address instead of HTTPS address.
    4. I’ll keep the old teaching server running for one more week in case you want to retrieve any information on that machine. Then it’ll be shut down.
  • In preparation for the Cluster Computing lecture, apply for an account on UCLA Hoffman2 cluster at You can select me Hua Zhou as your faculty sponsor.