Welcome to Biostat 203B: Introduction to Data Science.
- Introduction and course logistics
- Linux basics
Homework (not graded)
Fill out a short survey. It helps me better tailor the course to your background.
- If you have not used R/RStudio before,
- Download and install R v3.6.0 or later versions from http://cran.stat.ucla.edu
- Download and install RStudio Desktop Open Source Edition from https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/#Desktop
- Accessing the teaching server:
- There is a teaching server you can use for exercise and homework. The ip address is
, accessible via SSH. - Wifi: Be aware that
is restricted to HTTP and HTTPS. UseUCLA_WIFI
for accessing teaching server. See https://humtech.ucla.edu/computing-support/wifi/ for details. - An account has been created for those enrolled in the class as of Jan 3, 2020. Those enrolled the class after 1/3/2020 can ask instructor or TA to create an account for you. The username is same as that in your email address in MyUCLA. The temporary password is same as your username. E.g., if you email is
, then the username for your account on teaching server isjoe_bruin
and the temporary password is203b
. - Log in teaching server by
ssh username@server.ucla-biostat-203b.com
on Mac terminal or using PuTTY on Windows. - After log in using your temporary password, issue command
to change your password to a more secure one immediately. If you don’t change your password, anyone can log in your account and mess up your files. - Later we will learn how to set up the more secure key authentication.
- Both
are installed on the teaching server. You can access and useRStudio
on the server by pointing your browser to address http://server.ucla-biostat-203b.com:8787. - This server is for education purpose. You are not allowed to run simulations or any program unrelated to this class.
- There is a teaching server you can use for exercise and homework. The ip address is